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Rules & Regulations

Important! Make sure you read and understand the rules of this board!

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Rules & Regulations - last post by Soul Sojourner

News & Announcements

News and announcements will be displayed here regarding this website and forum.

  • 13 topics
  • 41 replies

Suggestions, Help, & Feedback

Have a suggestion for the board or website? Need help? Found bugs or errors? This is the forum you're looking for.

  • 5 topics
  • 19 replies

Toggle General Discussion General Discussion

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Introduce Yourself

This forum is for new members to introduce themselves. Come, be greeted, and join our community! :)

  • 25 topics
  • 266 replies

Serious Discussion

This discussion forum is for more serious topics and debates. It's not as laid back as the Off-Topic Discussion forum.

  • 13 topics
  • 92 replies

Off-Topic Discussion

This discussion forum is for laid-back conversation and off-topic ramblings. It's not as serious as the Serious Discussion forum.

  • 47 topics
  • 1,145 replies

Toggle Fun & Entertainment Fun & Entertainment

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Talk about all sorts of games, pc, xbox, playstation, nintendo, old school, new school, you name it.

  • 16 topics
  • 229 replies

Fun Topics

Here you can post your online quizzes, riddles, and even "forum-games." You know, like "finish the sentence" and "word association." Yeah... you get the idea.

  1. Official Contests
  • 18 topics
  • 1,301 replies

General Role-Play

Members can use this section to role-play. Role-play may be from a wide-range of subjects, so there is something for everyone. If the type of role-play you want doesn't exist, start a new one.

  1. RP Plans & Discussion
  2. Tales of Drakmord
  • 14 topics
  • 176 replies

Computers & Technology

Discuss computers. From the latest ones on the market, to your very own specs and tweaks. Discuss technology in general. The blu-ray player, mp3 players, or flash drives. Or perhaps that new GPS system in your car? Maybe you're having computer problems and need a hand? All things technology go here.

  • 6 topics
  • 13 replies

Television & Movies

Dying to tell people about that awesome movie you just saw? Can't wait to see a movie coming to theaters? In love with a television series? This is the place. Come in and tell us about it. We're curious. ;)

  • 7 topics
  • 52 replies


Discuss all things musical. From your favorite bands, to your failings at playing the trumpet. Or perhaps brag about how well you play the clarinet! :D

  1. Musical Creations & Pursuits
  • 6 topics
  • 54 replies

Toggle Lifestyle & Culture Lifestyle & Culture

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Food & Cooking

What's that smell? That's a luscious sirloin steak, freshly cooked bacon, and steamed rice. Talk about food and cooking here. Recipe's, favorite dishes, best restaurants, you name it.

  • 13 topics
  • 92 replies

Sports & Fitness

Want to talk about the game? Boast about your team's win? Discuss your rigorous training or your work out routine? This would be the place. Hunting and fishing are sports too, in case you're wondering. ;)

  • 2 topics
  • 8 replies
  • Protected Forum
  • 03 Sep 2011 By Ire

Toggle Art & Literature Art & Literature

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Artistic Display

Discuss your favorite paintings or sculptures. Discuss everything from painting style, sewing patterns, drawing techniques, or photoshop tricks. If you like art, this is the place for you.

  1. Artistic Creations
  • 9 topics
  • 118 replies

Books & Literature

Favorite book? Into poetry? Perhaps you enjoy Shakespeare, or maybe you're a writer yourself? Discuss literature here. You can even tell me about your local library if you want, but I'll probably fall asleep. ;)

  1. Poetry & Writings
  • 10 topics
  • 73 replies

Toggle Superstition & Beliefs Superstition & Beliefs

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Beliefs, Religion, & Theory

Discuss your beliefs or religion. From Buddha and Taoism, to moral codes and string theory. Discuss the ten dimensions, talk about your god(s), or the five personal rules you'll never break.

  • 4 topics
  • 10 replies

Myths & Supernatural

Discuss myths and supernatural topics here. Anything from extraterrestrial life and magic, to vampires and lycanthropy.

  • 5 topics
  • 22 replies

The Great Library

This forum contains a wealth of knowledge of various subjects involving beliefs, religion, supernatural, and myths.

Topics and posts in this forum will first go through inspection before being submitted. This information is submitted by members and may or may not be true or factual.

  • 5 topics
  • 26 replies

Toggle Member's Lounge Member's Lounge

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Videos & Pictures

Post pictures and videos from your life or of yourself.

WARNING! We do not tolerate identity thieves! The contents you post in this forum must be legitimate!

  • 12 topics
  • 110 replies

Everyday Life

Members can talk about their daily lives and personal issues to other board members. This forum is open to public opinion. This forum requires 25 posts to post in.

Please be respectful to other members.

  • 9 topics
  • 143 replies

Private Divulgence

This forum holds the private forums of members who want a private place to talk about things that are personal to them. The owner of each private forum has their own password and they choose who they wish to allow access.

These forums are not moderated, so if you are allowed access, you enter at your own risk.
Post count does not increase in these forums.

  1. Katze's Journal
  • 7 topics
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