Fun & Entertainment
GamingTalk about all sorts of games, pc, xbox, playstation, nintendo, old school, new school, you name it. |
Fun TopicsHere you can post your online quizzes, riddles, and even "forum-games." You know, like "finish the sentence" and "word association." Yeah... you get the idea. |
General Role-PlayMembers can use this section to role-play. Role-play may be from a wide-range of subjects, so there is something for everyone. If the type of role-play you want doesn't exist, start a new one. |
Computers & TechnologyDiscuss computers. From the latest ones on the market, to your very own specs and tweaks. Discuss technology in general. The blu-ray player, mp3 players, or flash drives. Or perhaps that new GPS system in your car? Maybe you're having computer problems and need a hand? All things technology go here. |
Television & MoviesDying to tell people about that awesome movie you just saw? Can't wait to see a movie coming to theaters? In love with a television series? This is the place. Come in and tell us about it. We're curious. ;) |
MusicDiscuss all things musical. From your favorite bands, to your failings at playing the trumpet. Or perhaps brag about how well you play the clarinet! :D |